U.S.: 200 thousand new jobs were created in December

The level of employment created, was much higher than expected. Economists had expected the creation of employment for about 150 thousand.
According to data from the United States Department of Labor, the unemployment rate of 8.5 percent in the country fell to. This is approximately the lowest level of the last 3 years. The unemployment rate was 8.7 percent in November.
New employment opportunities, more retail, manufacturing, transportation, wholesale and occurred in areas of health.
Close to 1.6 million jobs were created in 2011. This is the highest figure recorded since 2006, and increases in the private sector also played a role in this result.
The American economy, the unemployment rate of 9 percent a few years, watching. 10.1 percent in October 2009 in the 't had a peak.
Correspondent for the BBC's Michelle Fleury in New York economy, latest figures, 2011 towards the end of the American economy is a sign of recovery gained momentum and increased prospects for 2012 records.
Common belief, the increase in employment opportunities to consolidate the economy. If the rapid creation of new employment will continue, even if the unemployment rate is significantly azalmasa, said the developments could be exchanged in this year's political calculations.

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