No bill for borrowing, credit

Deputy Prime Minister Ali Babacan said that the banks will begin the implementation of a positive record.

Ali Babacan, MUSIAD President Omar Jihad MUSIAD Extended Presidents attended the meeting chaired by Vardan.

The new Czech Act sentence is removed, pull the amount determined according to the registration application. Deputy Prime Minister Ali Babacan, who are not clean record will remain deprived of certain rights, stating "It's electric bill could not write checks for borrowing, comfortable," he said. Independent Industrialists' and Businessmen's Association (MUSIAD) Extended Babacan, speaking of Presidents meeting, together with the Czech Act kalkacağını instead of 10 years imprisonment for auditing checks Prohibition, he said.


Babacan, positive record of this application would commence from the month by the Banks Association gave the following information: "At the moment we say only registration, there is a negative record. This data is compiled and then checks to write toparlandıktan person will say 'I ask you the Union of Banks'. But for that you will check the person must give written approval. We, the Union Bank for checks, not only in the center, we have a broader authority. Now he will go to the center will make arrangements. Example giving Turkcell, Vodafone, will Avea'yla agreements. Gas distribution companies, electricity distribution companies will make the agreements. Payment habits, so that all citizens will accumulate a lot of data out there. In other words, mobile phone bill to pay properly, does not pay will be the opportunity to see from there. Their credit history so that everyone, no matter how clear the future holds for him as comfortable as it is as comfortable borrowing that will have the opportunity to write checks. So it honest business practice, which will be awarded. Goodwill impairment, if any, they appeared to be an open system. "

WELFARE RIGHTS WE have to live

Babacan also in relation to individual loans, personal loans in 2010 increased by 43 billion pounds, about 50 billion pounds in 2011, the exact figures, but did not further reported that this figure would be added on. That is yet to win a 43 billion pounds in 2010, the citizens are doing the spending, 50 billion pounds of spending in 2011 yet did not win him a debt of the recording Babacan added, "If we try to deserve to live on the welfare of the price is very heavy," he said.


Inflation and current account deficit will decrease to 4 percent growth rate even in the worst scenario.

Statements about the objectives in 2012, Ali Babacan, in 2011, 7.5 percent on the un, said they expect a growth of 4 percent in 2012. Estimate of 4 percent in Europe and is an estimate made things worse gitmeyeceği assuming the case of 4 percent in Europe to improve the growth of jobs that could go up, Babacan said that inflation is the downside of expectations. Babacan recalled that inflation is now 10:45, "an attainable target at 5 percent inflation target," he said. Babacan, the current account deficit Looking at the 3-month averages of seasonally adjusted current account deficit and the worst is left behind, he said. Babacan, then a gradual improvement will occur as a record current account deficit and the financing of capital directly stated that there are more than 4-5 months.

Foreign exchange sold by the Centre still remains in Turkey

The Central Bank released a significant amount of foreign exchange sold in the past, a significant capital outflow from Turkey in this period, stating that no Babacan, the foreign currency amount still remained in Turkey, he said. Babacan, "That's not going to leave the central bank sells foreign exchange to Turkey. Official accounts, special accounts goes. The Central Bank sold foreign exchange reserves during the period, a capital outflow from Turkey do not you look at collection, do not have a currency exchange outlet, "he said.

Card fee income of £ 11.4 billion of Banks

Deputy Prime Minister Ali Babacan, bank card fees collected £ 11.4 billion announced in last 3 years. Paternalistic legislation in force, banks, credit cards, deposit accounts and loans to individuals to take charge and does not prohibit the commission said, the banks, as credit card fees and commission in 2009, £ 4.5 billion, £ 4.3 billion in 2010, the first 6 months of 2011, 2, be charged £ 4 billion, he said.

CHP "card dues alınmasın" proposal

CHP İzmir deputy Aladdin Yuksel, even shorter than the banks even if the contract does not charge an annual fee card dues, and prepared a proposal for the law. Yüksel President of the Parliament presented the proposal "requesting removal of the phrase''so that the annual fee, the law not included in any statement that may support such practice is aimed at.

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