Hungary again the door of the IMF

Thus, the IMF is a European Union country knocked on the door to the discovery of the debt claim to the financial crisis that swept the European Union for some time was embodied in the.
For a while struggling with financial problems, and the foreign debt payment difficulties, as is known in Hungary and the IMF, the European Union economic policy imposed on it by the application in December refused to cut off talks with the IMF and the International Monetary Fund delegation had left Budapest.
Behind the debate in December, as the Hungarian Central Bank, the problem lay in the concrete.
The government was planning a new law to change the status of the Hungarian Central Bank.
Status of the central bank
In Brussels, this new law will eliminate completely the structure of an autonomous central bank, with a deeper sense of this economic chaos in the country sürükleyebileceğini stressed.
The Hungarian government, the law of the Central Bank, the EU Commission President Barroso's special instructions of the IMF delegation vazgeçmeyince fled Budapest, in the interviews is specifies a date has been lost.
The Hungarian government also failed to take a step back, such a law passed in parliament in late December and has changed the status of the Central Bank's management.
Independent observers, thanks to this law, the Hungarian government, the Central Bank reserves of 40 billion euros diktiğini eye, you want to use this resource in order to implement economic policy stressed.
In those days, and was sure of self-government by the government "without IMF financing in Hungary can provide its own resources," done by way of explanation.
Constitutional debates coup
Tensions between Budapest and in Brussels on 1 January, criticized for not being democratic and the new constitution, culminating with the advent of new legislation regulating the activities of the Central Bank.
"The Constitution, no" coming together of the opposition demonstrations and fifty thousand people rally, seemed to mark Budapest expect of a hot spring.
Observers, Hungary intensified pressures on the government's dayanmayacağını Budapest, Hungary, especially economic and current problems, such as Greece vurguluyorlardı you might be a process.
According to observers, the Achilles heel of the crisis and the Hungarian forint forintiydi signs began to decline as expected.
For months the value has already lost 10 per cent depreciation of the forint in the last two days was the last straw bardaktaki and the Hungarian government on Thursday announced that sit on the table with the IMF for a standby agreement.
What happens is that as a result of the government to give in to the EU and the IMF?
What will be asked to surrender, then the conflicts have been sitting down with the Hungarian government and national government line, but proud of Budapest, in front of the image without losing fans realize how much of these claims?
Answer to this question will be crucial in fulfilling the objectives of performance.

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