Penalty of $ 18 billion Ecuador oil giant Chevron'a

he appellate court on the grounds contaminated by oil giant Chevron in Ecuador Amazon'ları upheld the decision to pay compensation of $ 18.2 billion.
Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa has said it welcomes the decision, said that justice is manifested.
Texaco merged with Chevron in 2001, Ecuadorian Amazon was accused of shaking toxic substance.
The company in February last year, resulting in the lower court case, was sentenced a penalty of $ 5.9 billion.
This figure is almost three times removed from the final decision.
Amazonlardaki court in the city of Lago Agrio, 14 February 2011, the court approved of the decision just announced.
In Chevron, Ecuador, and corruption in the judiciary, is infected argues that political decisions.
The appellate court decision, Chevron, the long-running legal fight between the Ecuadorian complainants is the last link.
Ecuadorian lawsuit filed on behalf of 30 thousand years continued.
Indigenous groups in Ecuador, Texaco from 1972 to 1992, and in pits of 18 billion gallons of toxic substances Amazonlardaki river shed, he says.
Cleaned up the polluted region in the 1990s that spending $ 40 million in Chevron, Ecuador reached agreement in 1998 and all liability arındırıldığını says.
U.S. appeals court's decision in September, with the company stopped taking the penalty

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